lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2018

Importancia de las NIIF en Colombia

Las Normas Internacionales de Auditoria (IAS en inglés, o NIA en español) fueron creadas y emitidas por la Junta del Comité de Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad (IASC) en el periodo 1973 – 2001. Este fue el principio de las NIIF, como el intento de armonizar, unificar y entender la contabilidad de toda la Unión Europea; sin embargo, esta idea se difundió rápidamente y se implementaron las NIIF a nivel global
        Luego de las NIA se desarrollaron las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad (NIC) y en abril de 2001, el International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) se encargó de establecer las NIIF como reglamentación internacional para la regulación de las finanzas internacionales.
      Las NIIF fueron diseñadas como un lenguaje internacional, de modo que las cuentas de las empresas sean comprensibles y comparables. También podría concluirse que las NIIF son una consecuencia de la creciente interacción comercial entre negocios y empresas a nivel internacional hasta el punto de llegar a reemplazar las diferentes normas contables que se han creado en cada nación.
         En conclusión las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF) son un conjunto de estándares y principios de carácter internacional que establecen la información y la reglamentación técnica que se debe tener en cuenta para la presentación de los informes financieros 
        Esta Normatividad está regulada por el IASB (International Accounting Standards Board). Las NIIF permiten que las empresas tengan acceso más amplio a otros mercados, para el caso de Colombia, hace que se convierta en un país más competitivo, puesto que la estandarización y homogenización de la información financiera hace que la presentación de esta sea comparable con empresas del mismo sector en diferentes partes del mundo. Dentro de los principales beneficios de la implementación de las NIIF podemos destacar las siguientes:
Acceso a mercados de capital
Transparencia en las cifras de los Estados Financieros
Información consistente y comparable
Mismo lenguaje contable y financiero
Reducción de costos
Herramienta para el alta
gerencia en la toma de decisiones
Modernización de la Información financiera
Simplificar la preparación de los Estados Financieros

La adopción de las NIIF en Colombia se ha dado en varias etapas, inicialmente todos los grupos empresariales debían estar bajo NIIF a 31 de diciembre de 2013, debido a diferentes factores el decreto 2784 no se había podido ejecutar al 100%, a partir del 1 de enero de 2018, las empresas deben estar incorporadas y establecidas en sus informes financieros bajo NIIF.

1.     Transparencia: La verificación de la información se vuelve fácil, es decir, cualquier entidad nacional o internacional puede revisar, comparar y entender todo de manera simple. Como las NIIF facilitan un lenguaje universal, la información susceptible de analizar por parte de una entidad es fácil de comprender para cualquier persona.
2.     Responsabilidad: La globalidad de las NIIF implica generar información veraz que esté alineada con los requerimientos legales. Cuando una empresa tiene sedes en el exterior, todas sus áreas y sucursales se ven involucradas en el proceso de transición. Así cada parte de la entidad se obliga a rendir cuentas entendibles para todos
3.     Eficiencia: Tener una norma estándar a nivel mundial agiliza el procesamiento de la información. Gracias al lenguaje universal toda la información contable y financiera se analiza rápidamente. De esta forma se facilita su comprensión.
Grupos empresariales
Grupo 1. Dentro de este grupo de las NIIF se encuentran todos los emisores de valores y, en general, las entidades de interés público. Adicionalmente, las empresas que tengan activos que superen los treinta mil SMMLV o que su nómina supere los 200 colaboradores.
También están las empresas que tienen un tipo de subordinación cuatro o que son franquicias o sedes de multinacionales que ya se encuentran aplicando las NIIF en otro país.
Hacen parte del grupo uno las empresas subordinadas a empresas nacionales que ya hayan implementado las NIIF.
Norma a adoptar: NIIF Plenas
Grupo 2. Empresas que tengan activos totales superiores a 30 mil SMMLV o que su nómina sea de más de 200 trabajadores. Entidades que no sean emisores de valores ni de interés público y que sean sucursales de una compañía extranjera que aplique las NIIF. Otra característica es importar o exportar pagos que registren más de la mitad de las compras del año anterior al ejercicio de las NIIF.
Norma a Adoptar: NIIF para Pymes
Grupo 3. Empresas de tamaño grande y mediano que no emitan valores ni que manejen recursos públicos. Los trabajadores de estas empresas pueden ser de once a doscientos y sus activos totales deben ser entre 500 y 30 mil SMMLV.
En este último grupo se incluyen todas las microempresas que tengan activos totales de máximo 500 salarios mínimos del momento en que se liquiden las NIIF; dentro de este valor se excluyen las viviendas. Su planta de personal no supera los diez trabajadores.
Los plazos para estos grupos ya se vencieron; sin embargo, es importante ponerse al día con la implementación de las NIIF para evitar sanciones o multas por incumplimiento. Es importante destacar que la puesta en marcha de las NIIF es de carácter obligatorio.
Norma a adoptar: NIIF/IFRS, consagradas en el Decreto 2706 de 2012.


lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018


"Sustainable development is one that responds to the needs of the present without compromising the future" Orrego (s / f). It is important to recognize that there is a connection between business economic growth and environmental protection that is commonly known as environmental accounting.

Due to the technological advances that facilitate intercommunication between the different world economies, the propagation of economic problems regarding the environment becomes more visible, even more when different companies present a situation of an excessive demand making organizations prevail their needs to accomplish with the customer, however without considering the environmental problems that may arise, if necessary to take care and conserve the environment in better conditions; however, due to the activism related to the environment, these situations have had some improvement where the interest for the conservation of the environment is deeper. It is important to remember that the financial information must be complete and true and must include information that covers all the environments, such as financial, social and environmental.

The environmental impact in recent years has been so strong that not only those interested in financial information are interested in ensuring good treatment to it, but it has moved to investors who are giving priority to invest in companies that ensure it, of course is not about omitting their interest in obtaining profits or financial resources, but focusing on the companies that will be favored most by the different governments and entities that give prevalence to this good practice.
The means by guidelines and excellence to present to the interested parties the economic situation of the companies is the Financial Statements. Its fundamental characteristics are issued by the IASB in the conceptual framework for financial information (2010), that reveal the faithful representation of information, where economic, social and environmental aspects are part of the good disclosure of financial information. In environmental terms, environmental accounting is a branch that aims to relate the environmental issue with the economic aspects of the companies.
"The European Environment Agency (1999) defines environmental accounting as a set of instruments and systems that are useful for measuring, evaluating and communicating the environmental performance of the company; This integrates both fiscal and monetary information with the ultimate goal of placing the company in terms of eco-efficiency. In addition, it expresses that eco-efficiency is achieved by maximizing the value of the company, while minimizing the use of resources and negative environmental impacts. " Orrego (s / f).
The objective of both terms to generate more value with less effects that damage or impact the environment, is achieved by making controls on the operations that the company has and the consequences that their practices may bring. Environmental accounting has as its premise that it is more cost-effective to prevent than to remedy, that is why it is not a matter of the industry allocating a percentage of the income to repair the damages caused, but that these never occur and, in this way, not only have an economic saving but a good business practice that benefits the environment. This type of accounting links environmental and financial policies to identify the areas that have the most impact to quantify them monetarily, and thus exercise control to reduce the cost of such impact as well as its effects.
"Environmental accounting basically uses the same criteria for accounting recognition as those used for the registration of traditional commercial transactions, a situation that prevents the inclusion in the accounting reports of the entities of significant information other than the economic-financial one; and when it is included, the recognition criteria, the concepts of capital and its maintenance, measurement and presentation-disclosure are not suitable for socio-environmental purposes ". Mejía (2010)
We can know some definitions of environmental items Environmental Assets: as stated by ICAC (2002) cited by Mejía (2010) "The elements incorporated into the entity's assets in order to be used durably in its activity, its main purpose is the minimization of the environmental impact and the protection and improvement of the environment including the reduction or elimination of future contamination of the entity's operations "are accounted as an asset.
Environmental liabilities: "Environmental liabilities are obligations related to the environmental costs of a company, which meet the criteria for recognition as liabilities. In some countries when there is uncertainty about the amount or timing of the expenses incurred to settle the liability, the environmental liabilities are called reserves for environmental liabilities. " UNCTAD (1998,7) cited by Mejía (2010)
Environmental Provisions: These are "Expenses originated in the same or a previous year, clearly specified in terms of their environmental nature, but which, on the closing date of the year, are probable or certain but indeterminate in terms of their exact amount or the date in which they will be produced "(Conesa et al, 2006, 109, Fronti de García and Wainstein, 2000, 17 and 25, ICAC, 2002) cited by Mejía (2010)
Environmental Expenditures: According to the ICAC (2002) cited by Mejía (2010) "The nature of the environmental expenses will be the amounts accrued (caused), the environmental activities carried out or that must be performed, for the management of the environmental effects of the operations of the entity, as well as those derived from the commitments of the accounting subject"
Environmental Income: Bischhoffshausen (1996,156) "identifies as environmental benefits: the saving of materials and raw materials by reduction of waste, income from sale or savings by reuse of recycled material, savings of expenses of final disposal of waste by decreasing its volume, sale of tradable emissions waste, revenues from clean technology licenses, and savings by substitution of polluting material with another non-polluting one "
Environmental Costs: Cañibano (2000) cited by Mejía (2010) states that "Environmental costs are those caused by the measures adopted by a company, or another on behalf of it, to prevent, reduce or repair environmental damage resulting of its ordinary activities or for the conservation of its renewable or non-renewable resources ":

As an example of an industrial company, we have Grupo Argos that, through its environmental management, obtained its excellence in the environmental model in 2013. Fundación Siembra Colombia grants Argos the gold seal, the highest award of the Environmental Responsibility Award Sustainable Colombia 2013. See video As well as other recognitions for their outstanding environmental practices to promote their governance of environmental sustainability.

 As some activities that have been adopted for environmental sustainability, the recirculation of water and capture of rainwater in order to reduce water consumption, this decreases costs in the manufacture of its main product, cement Argos; In addition, they optimize the engine oil of their vehicles as well as the useful life of the tires by planning with their customers the distribution of their products that also helps to reduce fuel consumption. In the following illustrations we can see some of the goals that Cementos Argos has for the year 2025 and its environmental policies. All these policies are reflected in their annual integrated reports in order to inform the stakeholders of the information not only their figures for their main activities, but also their management as corporate and environmental governance.